Backstage Bone

Exclusive bonus content

Chris Wright
Feb 21, 2022

Several readers of Blowing up the Airwaves have told me that they want to know more about when Bone met Caroline’s mother at the Van Halen concert. So, I’ve written a short story (essentially one longer-than-my-average chapter) detailing that night. You can’t buy it anywhere. But you can have it for free if you sign up for my newsletter. I promise not to spam you or sell your email address. That annoys the crap out of me and I won’t do it to you. Here’s the link if you’re interested. I do recommend reading Blowing up the Airwaves first, or maybe having this ready to read when you get to that part of the story. Here’s the link…



Chris Wright

Broadcaster and Storyteller. I’ve spent more than three decades in radio and television, collecting experiences and ideas that are now inspiring my books.